Motivation to lose weight. How to motivate yourself every day. Psychologist's advice, techniques

There are many known methods and ways to get rid of excess weight, but in the absence of motivation, they will not be able to help you. Every day you have to put in a lot of effort to lose weight. The main component of success on the path to achieving your goal will therefore be the right motivation and a positive attitude.

Motivation techniques at the initial stage

The first step towards weight loss is self-analysis. You need to highlight for yourself the main reasons why you wanted to get your body in shape. The desire for change, the development of willpower, health benefits, increasing self-esteem - for everyone a certain factor will serve as an incentive.

At this stage, it is important to determine the desired end result. The desire to lose weight for the summer season is not sufficient motivation. It is designed for a short period and is unlikely to succeed. Finding the strength to exercise and diet every day will take some very serious motivation.

Change yourself and your life

Very often, extra pounds appear in those who are dissatisfied with their lives. Unloved work, the absence of a loved one, fear of failure or lack of success, internal weakness of character - all this forces you to hide your fears under a dense shell of excess weight.

It is necessary to show determination and get rid of unnecessary anxieties. The objective will be as follows:changing your outer self is the start of changing your whole life. A strong desire to change your life for the better will be the strongest incentive that will not allow you to give up halfway.

Health promotion

The final result will depend on your personal awareness of the importance of your health.

An overweight person condemns themselves in advance to health problems:

  • problem with the functioning of internal organs,
  • stagnant processes,
  • metabolic disease,
  • heavy load on the joints.

It must be understood that health will depend on diet and the richness of the daily menu.

Taking care of your health will no longer allow you to eat food in unreasonable quantities, just as it will not allow you to starve on the way to losing weight. Feeling good, lightness in the body, good immunity - all this can be achieved if you exercise and watch your diet. It’s a strong motivation that will help you not give up.

Assertiveness in your appearance

Motivation to lose weight every day is not just a photo of a model with ideal parameters on the refrigerator door. You must make an internal, informed decision that only willpower and daily work can lead to a positive result.A proper assessment of your figure is what should be done first.

Having identified the main flaws and imperfections, you can safely start losing weight. In this case, uncertainty about your attractiveness will only be beneficial: it will give you strength every time you want to stay the same. Existing complexes should also be directed in the right direction and remember that proper and uniform weight loss will help get rid of them.

Cultivate willpower

Losing weight takes a lot of dedication, so you have to be willing to work hard and long. At some point you may want to give up and feel sorry for yourself. It is at this stagethe inner self should be challenged: "Can you achieve your ideal parameters? »

Every day willpower will be strengthened and self-satisfaction will appear from the results achieved. Reluctance to be disappointed in oneself will awaken a certain passion, which will be followed by actions to achieve the goal - sports activities, balanced diet, absence of bad habits.

Set realistic goals

The right step at the initial stage of changing your figure would be to really assess the state of your body and set realistic goals. Each organism will react differently to a sudden change in its usual diet, to which exercise will be added, and this must also be taken into account. Perhaps the weight will remain in the same place and there will be no noticeable changes in the figure.

Any weight loss process will be individual, so you need to listen to your body. Many tips for losing 15 kg in 2 weeks are just a gimmick.You should not expect instant results; you need to make certain efforts every day to achieve your goal.and adequately assess your abilities.

Write an exercise blog

Motivation to lose weight every day is a visual assessment of current changes in your figure. It is often quite difficult to notice the presence of results and evaluate them by looking in the mirror after each exercise session. Keeping a record of your measurements will allow you to adjust the weight loss process and compare the results.

To maintain your diet, it is recommended to keep a calorie counting diary, in which you can also enter your exercise program. Creating a personal blog will not only allow you to visually evaluate your results, but also share your successes with others. Sometimes encouragement from others and evaluation from others, especially positive evaluations, can become one of the main incentives.

Think about a punishment and reward system

An individually developed system of rewards and punishments will help you stay in shape every day. The whole process of losing weight will turn into a kind of task accomplishment, where there will be time for praise and manifestation of toughness of character.

It is very important to establish meaningful punishments and rewards:

Incentives Punishments
  • Buy a new beautiful thing
  • Procedure in a beauty salon
  • Visit an important event or place
  • Permission to buy a small treat
  • Cancellation of purchases
  • Additional training
  • Cold and hot shower
  • Refusal of entertainment

You can also use a monetization method in which you reward yourself by putting money into a piggy bank to purchase a highly desirable item. As a punishment, the money for the purchase is not set aside, thereby increasing the time required to collect the required amount and make the desired purchase.

Old photos and favorite clothes - in prominent places

Every person has at least a few photos of beautiful clothes taken before problems with being overweight arose. Among the photographs, you should choose a few of your favorite ones and hang them in prominent places. Every time your eye catches an image, your internal strength to continue on the right path to losing weight will increase.

If there are no such photos, a selection of inspiring photos from the Internet of those who have overcome excess weight will come to the rescue.

The picture will once again prove that nothing is unreal and everything can be achieved with hard work. Your favorite clothes, several sizes smaller, which once flattered your figure, will also become additional motivation to realize your plans. One of the goals may be a great desire to put on a beautiful outfit again, and not to hide the body in shapeless clothes.

Tell everyone about your plans

When you lose internal energy and lack strength, the best support can be the encouraging words of those close to you. Therefore, it is worth talking about your plans and goals for getting rid of excess weight. You need to report it to people you trust and know that you won't be ridiculed in the future.

Relatives will periodically be interested in the news, notice positive changes and help control their desires regarding the consumption of harmful and incorrect foods. You can also choose someone from your close circle who also wants to change their silhouette.Overcoming difficulties together will unite you and help you achieve your goal.

Think and act positively

A positive attitude is one of the fundamental rules. Gloomy thoughts about the fact that it will not be possible to achieve the ideal parameters for yourself will not lead to good results. Such thoughts can further lower your self-esteem and completely disillusion you with your own abilities.

In the process of losing weight, stress will be the biggest enemy and will cause stagnation in the body.That is why you need to calm down and think with a positive attitude, perceiving yourself in your current state and thinking about how you can perfectly transform yourself in the future.

Motivations for Sticking to Your Diet and Exercise Program

The motivation to lose weight every day will give you the strength to continue your work. Following the rules of healthy eating and sports training is not an easy task. It’s a daily job that requires a certain motivation.

A table of points in which each action will be evaluated will allow you to clearly describe personal investments in daily work on yourself:

  1. If all points that should have been completed during the day are achieved, the maximum number of points will be awarded.
  2. You can earn 1 point for each exercise.
  3. For a dish that matches the calculated calorie content, award 2 points.

Over the course of a week, points will accumulate and if the final result does not reach the maximum possible, it is worth inflicting a small punishment. To earn points, you can use a reward system, where each additional action aimed at losing weight will add points.

The right pace is the key to losing weight

Performing training in the right mode is the key to uniform and sustainable loss of extra pounds. When developing a training program, you should take into account the real possibilities and avoid performing exercises to the point of wearout. The body will perceive unexpected loads and changes in nutrition as a stressful situation.

It will take some time to get used to a new way of life, so the pace should be measured. If you exercise intensely, your muscles may hurt the next morning and your health may deteriorate. At this stage, one may wish not to complete the work started.

The load should be increased after the body gets used to the previous training program.

The same goes for maintaining a diet. Excessive reduction in calories will not benefit the body, it can lead to the development of stagnant processes and significantly worsen psycho-emotional mood.The main rule is to follow the diet at a measured pace that is comfortable for the body.

Exercising for fun

Exercise can improve your mood, although at first glance this may be very hard to believe. If your body is not used to exercising before losing weight, then it is very important to introduce exercise gradually. It can be morning exercises or an active walk in the fresh air.

To lose weight, it is very important to increase the load after the body gets used to the previous exercises. You should not view sports as a punishment for being overweight. Daily motivation is a positive attitude and inner admiration for yourself after training.

Good sports equipment and clothing for training

Buying new things is always exciting and enjoyable. Before you start training, you will have the opportunity to choose a sports uniform that will match your favorite color scheme and style. New things will boost your positive attitude and you will definitely want to try them.

In addition to sportswear and a new pair of shoes, you can purchase additional accessories:

  • pedometer;
  • heart rate monitor;
  • sports equipment for doing sports at home;
  • training device.

During training, new things will definitely please you and create a positive mood.

"Yes! " – favorite food, but within reasonable limits

The transition to a good diet and changing taste habits is not easy for everyone. It is worth remembering that the diet should not be too strict – it should be as balanced as possible. Therefore, you should not immediately abandon everything in favor of vegetables and fruits.

It is almost guaranteed that a complete ban on your favorite foods will lead to a breakdown, and attempts to lose weight will not bring results.

To create a menu, you can contact a specialist who will help you create a balanced diet and fill it with not only healthy, but also tasty foods. Counting calories consumed during the day will provide additional help. This approach will allow you to make the right choice in favor of healthy and lower-calorie foods.

Positive attitude towards the diet

The motivation to lose weight every day is to have a positive attitude towards nutrition. Don’t think that a healthy diet is tasteless and monotonous. There are many recipes based on the rules of healthy eating: meat dishes, unusual desserts, delicious salads. Such food will not only benefit the body, but also allow you to enjoy its taste.

A complete ban and constant reminders that you need to stick to a strict diet will lead to a feeling of inferiority. That is whyyou need to change your attitude towards foodand remember that a healthy diet is tasty, healthy and varied.

Motivation for daily weight loss: maintaining results

It is better to consolidate personal results and achievements not only in memory, but also in a weight loss diary.

One way to motivate yourself to maintain a beautiful figure is to capture photos of yourself before and after losing weight.

To do this, you can keep a special notebook in which to record weekly results based on the changed parameters of your figure and weight. By observing your achievements, you will have a great incentive to work productively in the future. At the end of the month, it is necessary to compare the developments, because it is not always possible to obtain a visible result in a week.

Weekly photo reports with the results obtained

Photography is another way to visually confirm that diets and exercise help combat excess weight. To do this, you can use a large mirror or ask a loved one to take a photo. It is advisable to take photos from different angles - this will allow you to adequately assess your body from the outside.

After a week of fruitful work on your body, you need to repeat the procedure: take photos in the same poses and at the same distance from the camera. An additional incentive will appear after comparing the results with a difference of 1 or even 2 months.

Adopt new healthy habits

At first glance, following the rules of a healthy lifestyle may seem boring. To get rid of these thoughts that can worsen the final results, you need to establish good habits. When it comes to nutrition, this could involve improving culinary skills in preparing new dishes, vegetarianism, or other areas.

To acquire a new sports habit, you can not only go to the gym and perform monotonous exercises. There are many sports areas, so you can definitely find an interesting option. It could be dancing, aerobics, running at the stadium, swimming.

The more a person is interested in sports, the more interest in the whole process of losing weight will appear. It's not only healthy, but also entertaining.

Do not give up

Victory over laziness is victory over yourself. The beginning of change originates in a change in outlook on life. It is very important to act decisively, without leaving any attempts to lose weight at the initial stage. It should be understood that acquiring the valuable parameters of a figure is a complex and long process that requires daily effort on oneself.

A positive attitude is the main element on the path to the desired result.

In moments of bad mood and unwillingness to work on yourself, it is worth remembering why you wanted to lose weight. In the absence of internal strength and loss of desire to do more, it is necessary to compare previous results and evaluate the work done. In most cases, even small changes in body parameters can make a person strive harder to achieve results.

Keep an achievement journal

Keeping a notebook in which a record of the work carried out and the parameters changed will be kept will serve as a clear example of the current results.

In your diary, you can note:

  • Changes in body parameters.
  • Weight changes.
  • Personal achievements in sports.
  • Changes in daily diet.

A success journal can not only be used to record results, but also serve as additional motivation. The pages can be diversified with your best photographs or images of people, the results of which are admirable.

Saying goodbye to big things

Body parameters will inevitably change for the better. Clothes that were used before will become uncomfortable and bulky. Getting rid of old clothes is another positive thing. It can be given to someone, thrown away, or donated to charity. The idea of plus size clothing becoming unnecessary will definitely make you want to take further action.

Your own results are the best motivation for every person.

Without the right motivation, it is impossible to successfully achieve any goal - this will cause irritation and lead to your own self-torture. Motivation to lose weight will be a powerful daily boost to achieve your goals. A positive attitude, healthy habits, exercise and a balanced diet are the key to success on the long road to weight loss.