Slimming exercises

leg slimming exercises

Every woman dreams of having long, beautiful and thin legs. If the length depends entirely on heredity, then you can work on harmony and beauty, achieving the desired result over time. Unfortunately, this particular part of the body is considered to be one of the most problematic and difficult to lose weight. Fat deposits are deposited very quickly in the thighs and thighs.

We must not forget a phenomenon such as cellulite, which seems very unsightly and makes you forget about sexy and open mini-skirts and swimsuits.

Special exercises for slimming the legs help you stop thinking about such a phenomenon as fat. Combined with proper nutrition and beauty care, the result will be more than impressive.

The Basics of Successful Weight Loss

Where to start? It is not enough to put together a series of exercises to work out at home or in the gym. It is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle, to make serious adjustments to it. A healthy lifestyle is a great opportunity to normalize the work of your body, to constantly control the level of fat.

The basics of effective weight loss in a selected body part:

  • Healthy sleep.Optimal sleep time is 7-8 hours. At rest, the body recovers, stores energy for the next day, so that training is much more efficient and more calories are burned.
  • Constant physical activity.With a sedentary lifestyle, the metabolism slows down considerably, which is why fat accumulates much faster, and it becomes much more difficult to get rid of later. It is worth constantly moving, taking a walk in the fresh air, getting to your floor in the house not by elevator, but up the stairs. In this case, the metabolism will gradually speed up.
  • Good nutrition.This is the most important time in the process of getting rid of those extra pounds. Okay, you will have a long time to fight against cellulite on the thighs and thighs, eating only buns, crisps, pasta and other junk foods. If there is a lot of excess weight initially, you can spend several days on the day of unloading on buckwheat or sit on some kind of diet. Then gradually switch to the right diet with clear control of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

By following three simple rules, losing weight at the gym or at home will be much faster and with a long-term effect.

Load selection: rules for exercising

Is your lifestyle suitable? Then, we are engaged in a series of exercises, as well as an approach to implementing our plans. The training plan is developed for each person individually, taking into account many factors. Body type, starting weight, diet, lifestyle and level of fitness have the greatest impact. It should also not be forgotten that large volumes of thighs can depend not only on accumulations of fat, but also on swollen muscles.

All this in combination makes it possible to choose the most optimal workout option at home, as well as the load that a woman or a man can withstand in the early stages of weight loss.

When training the legs, there are a few simple rules to follow:

  • If the main task is to reduce weight and not to gain muscle mass, your own weight when performing the elements will be quite sufficient to achieve your goal. Otherwise, a variety of weights will be needed, from simple bottles filled with water to barbells and dumbbells.
  • Compliance with regularity. It is very important that the lessons take place regularly. For beginners, three times a week is enough. More experienced athletes can train at least five times.
  • When performing a series of exercises, you should not take too long breaks. If you feel tired after the next item, you do not need to end the workout. We are simply reducing the intensity of execution. Rest between sets and exercises should not last longer than a minute.
  • A holistic approach to strength training. We select exercises in which all the muscles will be involved.

Note.During weight loss, fat does not leave a place. Likewise, there is no single muscle exercise. All of the elements offered aim to work the muscles of a specific area in a holistic way, but with an emphasis on the desired part of the body.

Best leg exercises at home

There are two options for getting rid of the fat on your legs: the gym and your own home. Of course, you can turn to an experienced trainer who will work out a program, help you choose food, and completely organize the whole process of losing weight. But it costs money, which is not always enough. Working the thighs and hips at home is accessible to everyone. You can do the exercises at any time without spending a dime.

Time is limited only by the desire and abilities of the one who is losing weight.

Useful tip.Experts recommend gradually increasing the load, starting with short workouts, lasting no more than 20 minutes. We gradually increase the number of repetitions, add new exercises to the complex.

Here are some effective movements to help you slim down and look beautiful.

Leg swing

swing legs to lose weight
  • We lie down on the floor. We rest our head on the arm bent at the elbow.
  • Rotate the leg up.
  • Then we go back to the other side and repeat the exercise.
  • The element can be achieved in a standing position with the emphasis on a stool, sofa or on all fours.

Plie Squat

  • We are standing. We stretch our arms at the seams. You can take a dumbbell or any other weighting equipment.
  • We put our legs wider than shoulder level, spread the socks apart.
  • Squat, but not at maximum depth. The bent knee joint should form a right angle.
  • Do the exercise slowly, breathing freely.


  • We stand straight, straighten our shoulders as much as possible. We keep our heads straight, our gaze is directed forward. Fingers in the nose.
  • Take a big step forward so that the bent leg forms a right angle.
  • We go up, by analogy we repeat for the other member.
  • We split the same number of times on both legs.
  • To maximize the load on the muscles, we try to go as far as possible.

Lunges with punches

weight loss legs
  • We stand in the starting position, like in classic lunges. We keep our hands in the lock at chest level.
  • We do a lunge with the right leg backwards, we sit on the knee.
  • Then we lift it up and pull it forward, like we're punching it.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other leg. We alternate the number of times required.


  • While standing, we hold dumbbells in our hands, stretching them along the body.
  • Knees slightly bent.
  • We bend the body from the body, while pushing the ass back, as if we were going to sit down. We lower the dumbbells as far as possible, while keeping the back straight (any bending is prohibited),
  • We fix ourselves in this position for a few seconds, then stand up.
  • During exercise, you need to carefully watch your back, otherwise there will be no effect.

"Horse" exercise

  • Get on all fours. We keep our back straight, our gaze is directed downwards.
  • Lift the right leg, bent at the knee at a 90 degree angle, upward. We try to do the maximum lift.
  • Then we turn it over and repeat the same thing, but with the left foot.


exercise bar for weight loss
  • We accept the starting position - we lie on our stomachs on a gym mat or on the floor.
  • The arms are bent at the elbows and provide support.
  • Stand up.
  • Keep the body straight, straight, without leaning in the lumbar region.
  • We stand in the accepted position for as long as possible.

Jump with a deep squat

  • We spread our feet shoulder width apart.
  • Jump and immediately descend into the deepest squat possible.
  • Immediately jump out of the squat upwards, but with the body facing to the right. We sit down again.
  • Then we jump to the left side, immediately falling into a squat.
  • We do these squats by turning in all directions.

How to improve the effectiveness of a series of exercises at home

Full legs aren't the only problem for modern women. With the accumulation of fat, an unpleasant "orange peel" or cellulite develops, which is even more difficult to get rid of.

Therefore, it is recommended to combine sets of exercises at home or in the gym with other useful procedures and tools:

a series of exercises to slim the legs
  • Foot massage. At home, it's incredibly easy. We start with simple caresses of the thighs and thighs, then slowly, gradually move on to intense circular movements. To enhance the effect, you can use various cosmetics, for example, a type of warming, which will accelerate the process of burning fat. Ideally, also periodically visit a professional anti-cellulite massage (especially for those who are contraindicated in some independent manipulations of the skin).
  • Use of nourishing creams, scrubs that increase the elasticity of the skin. If the weight loss is intense, it is imperative to take care of your skin to avoid sagging. The best universal remedy is olive oil. It will not only bring your skin to perfect condition, but also provide a rejuvenating effect.

Working on your body requires a serious approach and careful preparation, especially when it comes to a body part such as the legs. Only an integrated approach will help you become the owner of appetizing forms that excite the imagination of men and arouse envy in women.

Thanks to our advice, you will quickly find a great shape, achieve the silhouette of your dreams, which will delight you for many years.